Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Project Brief Term 2 Project 3

So i was given my brief today for my next project. The Brief is

"Constructing Realities" & "Telling Tales"

Basically the brief i was given says:

"In this part of the module the emphasis of your work will be on the construction of images. Using the notions of 'Construction' and 'Narrative' you are to produce a set of images that intend to tell a story. Think about the contextual lecture which accompanied the project briefing and consider your own research in order to determine how you might use your images to tell the story you have chosen. The form and manner of this story is for you to decide and should be informed by reference to your subject area.
Your images must be made using 'artificial light' (Flash or Tungsten) and film NOT digital. The images can be shot either indoors or outdoors (Studio or Location). It will be upto you to decide what format you will be working in, 35mm/120/5x4, Colour/B&W. If you choose 35mm, you should be prepared to explain why this format is appropriate to your particular project when the larger formats will provide a higher quality image.
You may wish to discuss an appropriate number of images to submit with your tutore, based on the specific nature of your individual project, however, you should create a minimum of 4 images that attempt to convey your narrative ideas.
Art direction is an important element of the practical execution of this brief. This is an opportunity for you to push your creativity and produce some interesting and striking imagery."

Ok, i know there was alot to read there but this is basically the project i have to produce. On recieving the brief i have attempted to come up with a number of ideas in which i will choose one and start to get research for. My ideas so far are:

Telling the tale of a Drug Addict,
Telling the tale of an Alcoholic,
Telling the tale of a Homeless Person,
Telling the tale of a Ballet Dancer,
Telling the tale of a Street Dancer,
Telling the tale of a Person in Grief/Depression,
Telling the tale of a Worksman such as a woodworker, coalworker.

I have narrowed my choice down to an alcoholic or a homeless person. In my next blog i will discuss more on what i have discovered research wise and what ideas i have come up with for this idea.

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